
How To Set Up A Canister Filter For Fish Tank

Canister filters are efficient aquarium filters that take a unique purpose which is to push the aquarium water through a filter media and get thoroughly cleaned in that location. After being cleaned, the water gets pumped back into the aquarium as if it's make new.

This kind of filtration organisation is also popular due to its easy maintenance.

  • Are Canister Filters Good?
  • What Filter Medias Can I Employ For Canister Filter?
  • What Is A Canister Filter?
  • What Is A HOB Filter?
  • Canister Filter V.S. HOB Filter
    • Which I Should Yous Choose?
  • Are Canister Filters Loud?
  • Do Canister Filters Leak?
  • Practise Canister Filters Provide Plenty Oxygen?
  • Do Canister Filters Use A Lot Of Electricity?
  • Practise Canister Filters Cause High Nitrate Levels?
    • How To Prevent My Canister Filter From Becoming A Nitrate Factory?
  • Do Canister Filters Aerate Water?
  • How Long Do Canister Filters Terminal?
  • What Are The Virtually Popular Canister Filters?
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Are Canister Filters Good?

Yep, canister filters are skillful because they tin effectively make clean your aquarium water past removing impurities within the tank, filtering out toxic chemicals in the tank, improving water quality by acidifying it, minimizing noise, and minimizing media cleaning.

It's no wonder why canister filters are popular because the benefits of using this kind of filtration system speak for themselves.

Other factors add up to the listing of benefits canister filters offering compared to other filtration systems . You may refer to the listing beneath:

  • Canister filters don't have up space inside the tank itself.
  • Canister filter maintenance is fairly easy to do and cleaning it won't cause stress to the inhabitants of your tank.
  • The big filtration area of a canister filter prevents clogs from happening.
  • Canister filters can exist customized co-ordinate to your aquarium'southward needs. You can customize a canister filter's filter media, water heaters, and diffusers.

Mechanical, biological, and chemical filters are the filter media you can choose from when yous get a canister media.

Mechanical filters are a type of filter media that prevents clogs by filtering out larger particles of h2o that pass through it. With that being said, the mechanical filter must exist placed in forepart of all the other filter media so that droppings would get stuck in the beginning layer of the filter before passing through the others.

There are several types of mechanical filters which include wool, floss, sponges, and bonded pads. The maintenance of mechanical filters would require y'all to alter them frequently to avoid bacteria build-up.

Biological filters are a type of filter media that houses a great number of beneficial bacteria. A biological filter must be placed right after the mechanical filter so that bottleneck would be prevented. The build-up of bacteria happening in the biological filter volition bring a lot of benefits to your tank such every bit breaking down toxins that are present in the tank itself.

Ultimately, this would prevent ammonia and nitrate levels from rising too fast. Moreover, there are several types of biological filters, hither are the following examples:

  • Sponges
  • Ceramic rings
  • Bio assurance
  • Gravel
  • Sand

Lastly, chemical filters are a type of filter media that removes toxins from the water within a tank and changes the chemistry of the water itself. The chemic filter must always exist placed afterwards the biological filter so that information technology won't crusade a loss of beneficial bacteria in the biological filter.

Chemical filters include the following chemic properties that are in accuse of improving an aquarium's water quality:

  • Activated carbon
  • Ferric hydroxide
  • Resins
  • Zeolite
  • Peat

There's no all-time filter among the 3 types of filter media. The pick is yours to make when choosing the best type of filter media for your tank. All you have to do is know what your aquarium needs and that'due south about information technology.

What Is A Canister Filter?

This is an external canister-type of filter that you can set up outside of your aquarium. A canister filter cleans aquarium water past making employ of two tubes; an inlet and an outlet tube.

The onetime is used for cartoon the water into the filter and passes information technology through the filter media, and then it gets filtered back into the tank via an inbuilt water pump and then passes through the outlet tube.

Setting upwards a canister filter is adequately easy to do since y'all tin adjust the tubes however y'all like, and then long as they stay submerged inside the tank.

Furthermore, this filter is huge, so y'all'd take to have enough space to adapt the size of this filter. It'due south mutual for people to set up their canister filters by putting them abreast or beneath your tank.

A canister filter can adapt various filter media such as mechanical, biological, and chemic filters. Also, canister filters are known for their ability to house beneficial bacteria. The more beneficial bacteria growth at that place is, the more chances there are of having depression nitrate levels.

With that being said, the benefits that a canister filter provides, via the filter media it uses, it's a perfect pick for tanks that are 100 gallons (or more). Canister filters also work wonders with saltwater, freshwater, and planted tanks.

What Is A HOB Filter?

HOB filter is a type of filter that cleans aquarium water past letting it pass through a serial of filter media. The HOB filter can apply mechanical, biological, and chemical filter media every bit well.

Hang On Dorsum filters (HOB), also known as Power filters, are a blazon of filtration organisation that'southward easy to maintain and apply, also, these are commonly seen on freshwater tanks.

The question is, can HOB filters be used on saltwater tanks? Absolutely. Nonetheless, HOB filters can only be used for small to medium-sized saltwater tanks. These filters too make apply of chemical filter media most of the fourth dimension.

Moreover, HOB filters are placed on the tank past hanging them on the back portion of the tank itself. It's pretty user-friendly this way considering information technology doesn't require a lot of space, dissimilar the canister filter.

Canister Filter 5.S. HOB Filter

Now that nosotros've defined both filters, which one performs better than the other? You may refer to the table below to see each filter's pros and cons:

Canister Filter HOB Filter
Price More expensive because information technology does a better job in cleaning aquarium water. Another thing that makes canister filters expensive is their build. Information technology can conform large tanks as opposed to HOB filters. These are more affordable than a canister filter since these are smaller and they can't filter enough aquarium water.
Space occupied This is an external filter, so information technology doesn't take up any space within a tank. Nevertheless, it will have up some space where the tank is. For instance, a canister filter may non be suitable for a small office. HOB filters are small and don't have up space inside the tank since they are being  hung from exterior the tank (either the back or side of the tank). The simply downside of this is y'all tin come across the HOB filter through the tank and that will surely ruin the aesthetic of your aquarium.
Function Canister filters use mechanical, biological, and chemical filter mediums. This filter utilizes 2 tubes (an inlet and outlet tube), the inlet tube is in charge of passing the water through the filter media, while the outlet tube gets the filtered h2o and pushes information technology back inside the tank. You can add a UV sterilizer and an inline heater to your canister filter. These volition ultimately save yous some aquarium infinite since you won't have to purchase a dissever heater and UV sterilizer. HOB filters likewise utilise mechanical, (minimal) biological, and chemic filter mediums. This filter makes use of an inlet tube wherein water is drawn and passes through the filter media. The clean filtered water is then returned to the tank. Adding a heater to your HOB filter isn't recommended because this would heat up rapidly due to the pocket-size size of the filter and may cause melting. On the other hand, there are HOB filters that are being sold that come with a UV sterilizer.
Maintenance Canister filters can easily be accessed when information technology'due south time to clean them since they sit down right outside the tank. However, when yous're about to clean the filter and modify the filter media, that would be a difficult chore, particularly for beginners. The filter media layers must be properly placed in the correct guild to prevent clogging caused by the debris in your tank. Should be cleaned every three to four months. Easier to maintain and make clean. Cleaning should be done effectually once every two weeks. The inlet tubes tend to interruption hands when cleaning, and then exist cautious.
Tank size compatibility Large and customs tanks. Small to medium tanks only. These won't be able to adapt large tanks, so yous're better off going for a canister filter instead.
Effectiveness in housing beneficial bacteria Canister filters can let beneficial bacteria grow in number in their biological filter medium. The reason backside this is canister filters provide a lot of space in their biological filter media for beneficial leaner to thrive in. HOB filters can just house a few beneficial bacteria in their biological filter media. The reason backside this is the tank yous have is small and there won't be enough space for the benign bacteria to thrive and grow in.
H2o flow Canister filters provide controlled water menstruation for plants and fish inhabitants. Water period using this filter is limited.

Which One Should Y'all Choose?

The type of filter that you should choose would depend on what blazon of tank you have. If you have a pocket-sized to medium-sized tank, then get for a HOB filter. If you have a large or community-sized tank, then y'all must choose a canister filter.

Of course, other factors would touch your decision when information technology comes to choosing betwixt these two filters.

  • Your budget. Remember, canister filters are expensive while HOB filters are relatively affordable.
  • Are you a beginner or do y'all have feel? Canister filters would require a bit of skill from owners since changing the filters can be difficult for beginners. On the other hand, HOB filters are easy to clean and this applies to changing their filter media as well.
  • What species of fish practice you own? Every fish's needs vary when it comes to water period, some species of fish like slow-paced h2o period (fish from ponds and lakes) while some like rapid water flow (rivers, streams, and other bodies of water that accept fast currents).

Observe out where your fish is classified under and choose the filter that provides the water menstruum that they're comfortable with.

Are Canister Filters Loud?

No, canister filters aren't loud; they're placidity. The only fourth dimension canister filters get loud is when it's under maintenance or if there's air trapped in the filter itself.

If yous want to solve the issue of having air within your canister filter then all you need to practise is gently rock the filter from side to side.

It's uncommon for canister filters to exist loud in the first identify. However, there's a brand of this filter called SunSun which is known to make loud noises. Luckily, at that place's a solution for the noise that comes from SunSun canister filters.

  • Check the impeller of your canister filter and check if information technology'south seated on the hole perfectly. If information technology's non secure, information technology would produce a rattling audio. Ensure that the impeller is inserted properly by tucking it in, afterwards, yous should feel a snug fit or a click.
  • Avoid overfilling the canister filter's handbasket with filter media as this would cause rattling. Make sure that the baskets don't wobble when you stack them together, this would indicate that your filter media is not as well high.
  • Ensure that the canister filter itself is leveled. If the lesser isn't leveled, then that would cause vibrations and rattle.
  • Ensure that your canister filter and its hoses are not touching whatsoever other object considering that volition cause vibrations. Vibrations equate to noise.

For more detailed instructions, y'all may view this video.

Do Canister Filters Leak?

Canister tanks can leak, all the same, information technology's uncommon. If it does leak, there are a few mutual causes which are a loose hose connection and erstwhile o-rings.

There are preventive measures for a canister filter leakage, refer to the bullet point below:

  • Ensure that the hoses are tightly fitted into the canister.
  • Use silicone grease to lube every o-ring in your canister filter. This tin can exist done once or twice a yr. Notwithstanding, if you've been using your canister filter for years, yous have to modify the o-ring. This would prevent farther damage to the canister filter itself and your abode.
  • Lastly, yous can cheque for leaks in your canister filter by placing information technology inside a plastic container that'due south wide plenty to hold it. Check the container every once in a while and come across if in that location are any signs of moisture or h2o build-upwards.

This video will show you a more than in-depth explanation of how to prevent canister filter leaks.

Practice Canister Filters Provide Plenty Oxygen?

Canister filters practice provide enough oxygen, so long equally the spray bar that comes with the filter is being used. A spray bar helps with aerating aquarium water, which in plow, increases the oxygen level inside the tank.

A spray bar works by agitating the h2o inside the tank to increase oxygen levels. The spray bar is usually attached to the outlet of a filter wherein information technology can evenly spray the entire surface area of the aquarium. Ultimately, that allows oxygen to enter the water inside the tank.

Moreover, if you're curious to know where you should exist putting the spray bar, take a look at your tank because that will assistance yous effigy out where you should exist putting it. Here'due south a guide to help you prepare your spray bar:

  • For water flow, place the spray bar at the rear cease of the tank.
  • Place the spray bar underwater to accept consistent and mellow water flow. Also, by submerging the spray bar underwater, the water splashes won't create any loud racket as opposed to having it placed above the h2o.
  • For surface agitation, place the spray bar in a higher place the water.

Do Canister Filters Use A Lot Of Electricity?

No, canister filters don't use a lot of electricity. The majority of canister filters are categorized every bit low-wattage devices.

Here are a few examples of canister filters and their wattage:

  • Marineland (Magnum 350): 35W
  • Marineland (H.O.T. Magnum) 11W
  • Hagen (Fluval 204): 7W
  • Hagen (Fluval 304): 12W
  • Hagen (Fluval 404): 25W
  • Rena (Filstar XP1): 18W
  • Rena (Filstar XP2): 23W
  • Rena (Filstar XP3): 28W
  • Eheim (2213): 8W
  • Eheim (2215): 15W
  • Eheim (2217): 20W

Do Canister Filters Crusade High Nitrate Levels?

Yes, but merely if the canister filters aren't being maintained regularly, cleaned regularly, and if the aquarium water is non existence changed regularly.

Canister filters have a high chance of increasing nitrate levels in saltwater tanks compared to freshwater tanks.

To avoid the increase of nitrate levels in freshwater tanks, y'all must regularly clean your tank. This would include water changes and maintaining the cleanliness of your filter.

And so how exactly do nitrate levels build up inside the tank? Nitrate comes from the leftover detritus (decomposing organic matter) and debris that's caught in the filter media. Every bit this continuously decomposes, if you don't clean your filter, it will result in the growth of nitrates.

How To Forestall My Canister Filter From Becoming A Nitrate Factory?

Clean your canister filter monthly to prevent nitrate levels from rising and regularly bank check your aquarium's nitrate level and ensure it stays below 5 ppm.

Avert letting nitrate levels go across 5 ppm because this will be bad for the inhabitants in your tank due to excess algae growth. A small amount of algae is normal in any tank, even so, likewise much of this would be unsafe for your fish.

Exercise Canister Filters Aerate Water?

No, canister filters don't aerate h2o since they don't utilize an air pump. It'southward non necessary for canister filters to utilise an air pump since they provide enough surface agitation to the aquarium water.

The surface agitation that comes from external filters, like a canister or box filter, would suffice in providing oxygen for your fish, so there'south no need to purchase a separate air pump to provide aeration.

You might be wondering if at that place's a difference between aeration and oxygenation, well, at that place is. The difference between the two is the process in which they provide oxygen to the inhabitants in the tank.

Oxygenation provides oxygen by using an oxygen generator. This dispenses diffused oxygen into the tank. This is used when the oxygen levels in a tank drops to a unsafe level.

Aeration on the other hand provides oxygen past using an air compressor (air pump). This spreads diffused oxygen to the floor of the tank. Moreover, aeration maintains the temperature of the tank equally well as prevents the growth of toxic algae.

An air pump'due south purpose is to provide plenty concentrated oxygen and to force h2o through a filter. Air pumps are also the ones responsible for creating those tiny bubbles yous encounter in aquariums.

How Long Exercise Canister Filters Last?

Canister filters would last at least five years. Information technology's also possible for canister filters to last more than than five years, provided that the crucial parts of the filter are replaced when it shows signs of wear (e.g. o-rings).

The reason why people adopt canister filters over other types of filter is because of its durability. Canister filters are unremarkably manufactured by Germany and Italia and both countries are known for providing durable and long lasting equipment for aquarium needs.

Moreover, most, if non all, canister filters offer long warranties. So you shouldn't worry if you experience some troubles with your unit since it volition be covered past its warranty. On a side note, it's rare for people to experience any sort of trouble with their canister filter in the start place.

Fluval FX6, Fluval 207, and SunSun HW-302 are the almost pop and high-rated canister filters in the marketplace.

Both the Fluval and SunSun brands take been in the aquarist field for a long time and these have also become quite popular over time likewise. The canister filters aforementioned are loftier-quality and durable filters that will provide performance that'south close to perfect.

It didn't hit the perfect marking in terms of what it provides because each canister filter has its own prepare of cons. For instance, the Fluval 207 doesn't come with a spray bar, the Fluval FX6 is too expensive, and the SunSun HW-302 has a few plastic parts that tend to exist flimsy.

Check them out here:

Fluval FX6

Fluval 207

SunSun HW-302


Aquarium Air Pump: 8 Things You lot Should Know (For Beginners)


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